Coming Soon: A Monthly Interview Series with the ACLU
Do you ever find yourself asking, "What can I doooooo?" ...
… well we’ve got something for you. It’s a new monthly interview series right here at Who’s With Me?
It’s called What Can I Doooooo? with the ACLU, and you’ll find it here on Substack (or in your email inbox) starting in May. Once a month, I’ll interview an expert from the ACLU or an expert affiliated with the ACLU, and they’ll break down the complicated issues of the day. THERE ARE SO MANY COMPLICATED ISSUES! ARGH!!! We’ll be talking about everything from reproductive freedom to immigration to voting rights. You should hear Jessica Weitz from the ACLU explain it:
Want to get involved? Put your questions for the ACLU in the comments below. Usually the comment section is only for paid subscribers, but we’re opening this one up for everyone. Democracy is at stake!!!
See you soon!
I'm ever-so-concerned about the Supreme Court's assault on our system. Right now, they're very possibly allowing the former guy to delay (or avoid completely) trials. They've already put the country in a healthcare/reproductive rights/bodily autonomy tailspin. What can we do to stop them from destroying/enabling the destruction of our democracy? Is it too late for us?
Thank you for providing this service.
My question goes to the heart of free speech, as defined and practiced in this country.
EU nations are (for the most part) democracies, yet they ban certain forms of hate speech, whereas, the US refuses even to entertain the idea of restrictions on speech.
Where has this "noble, yet flawed " absolutist approach taken us? Over 1M dead from Covid, a government on the brink of collapse from millions who believe the 2020 election was "stolen", loss of abortion rights (in part) during to lies about "late-term" abortions. I could go on an on.
Disinformation is destroying the very fabric of society, and more speech clearly isn't the solution...particularly when our media ecosystem is deliberately indulging misinformation and disinformation.
Isn't it time to consider limited restrictions and consequences for hate speech and disinformation?