My only comment is that Tucker lives up here with us in Maine (altho luckily for me, on the other side of the state!) & so far he hasn't caused any trouble locally. Maybe he's cautious because we just kicked a prominent Nazi out of the state. :)

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Lack of empathy is absolutely at the heart of the problem with so many on the right. Thank you for pointing that out. So many like Walters seem to wear their lack of such a thing as a badge…as if it makes them superior when in reality it makes them out to be one dimensional egoists. This is becoming a nation of narcissists. At least when it comes to many on the right. And the deal with the lack of basic math is beyond pity. It’s hard to feel sorry for people who sympathize with others who want to deprive Americans a fair or close to fair wage.

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Thanks for the link to Donors Choose--what a great organization, and at the same time, how terrible that public education is so underfunded that teachers have to ask for donations to do their job. WTF? I made a donation to support the fun summer math project. Understanding how math works (not to mention probability) is a good life skill to have.

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