
WOW! You all already funded Ms. Rede’s project!!! 🥲 As I said, I know her in real life, so I can let you know what she says when I talk to her next. THANK YOU!

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DOUBLE WOW! You funded the film project too! YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!!!

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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell


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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

As a long-time Metallica fan, this was so relatable. You sent me off to go rewatch. Speaking of, the band has been doing so much to give back. Their All Within My Hands foundation funds scholarships and programs to get folks back into skilled trades/vocational programs. Also, they partner with food banks in the cities where they play. You probably know all this, but it makes me feel a little more hope knowing that the band I grew up loving has matured into these elder statesmen who understand their fortune and choose to make lives better for other folks. That’s awesome. Thank you for making me smile this morning.

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Funny enough, it was the documentary (and the Behind The Music episode) that made me a fan of Metallica. They have clearly learned a lot of lessons from their career’s twists and turns. And I love that doc, as all my fiends know because I won’t shut up about it.

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Jul 21Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

I got to meet 3/4 of them at one of their Metclub meet n greets at AT&T park and Lars was super excited that I'd brought my DVD of the pair of documentaries they did recording the black album and then the tour. Then he asked about me, told him I was a teacher at an alternative ed school, and he was like "did you know I graduated from a continuation school?" I did NOT! We had a great chat. And if you won't shut up about that doc, I am going to have to ask you in your next office hours what some of your other favorite documentaries are? I love them.

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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Franchesca's video is terrific! 😃 Thanks so much for this message today, Kamau. I always "keep my world small" by doing things locally, writing postcards, paying attention in my own community. It's the only way for me to stay sane these days. Oh, and I donated to your teacher friend.

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She is the best!

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Jul 20Liked by W. Kamau Bell

People are wrong when they say Joe was the only person ever to beat Trump. Hilary won the popular vote in 2016. It was our Constitution which caused her to lose the race. Fuck.

You'd think we'd do something about that. FUCK!

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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Thank you so much for your words. I'm in white suburbia Iowa which is going through it right now (just Google Iowa politics). It is so overwhelming for folks that they just tune out. But they are also tuning out local politics. Privilege creates complacency and we are seeing the impacts in real time right now in Iowa. So many genX and millenials who left and came back to start families are in shock at where Iowa is at. We are trying to recruit volunteers for a while and it has been pulling teeth. But this summer I've seen an increase in numbers. People have had enough.

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Thank you for your service!

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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Mr. Bell, you are a bright spot in the wilderness. I'm trying to get up the nerve to face the beast at work (very small city; we have our triennial drinking water compliance investigation on Tuesday) and your work recenters reality. Yes, public service is my vocation but nothing happens in a vacuum. All my best

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“Nothing happens in a vacuum” is another great way to think of this. Thank you for your service.

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And thank you for yours! ❤️

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Jul 22Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Kudos, per usual here - more kindness please!

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Jul 21Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Kamau, you know how near and dear to me SKOM is!!! I often have that scene running through my head too (as well as "delete"). Thanks for giving us some hope and giving us practical things to do with all this anxiety.

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Jul 21Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Thanks. For. Every. Fucking. Word!

We are truly on the same page!

Love you and love your mind!!

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Jul 21Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

Thank you w. Kamau. You always say what I’m thinking

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Jul 20Liked by Kelly Rafferty, W. Kamau Bell

You referenced my two fav things...Some Kind of Monster is my fav doc and your Sikh episode was my fav of United Shades...who knew about Yuba City? I guess you. We must defeat Trump and his ism.

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